Monday, November 7, 2011

Home Sweet Homey

I've been blog-absent for awhile, because life has been crazy and busy and crazy-busy.  Some good, some bad.  But for now, I will stick with some good and give a sneak preview of...our new house!  I only have a few pictures today, and they are outside pictures...stay tuned for the inside.

New burning pit/cage/basket....Cory says if they didn't know we were from Michigan before, they sure do

My dad found it on the side of the road with this note:
Front of our house...
More front....
Side of our house- this used to be covered in ivy and getting rid of it was a BIG job...
Those barrels of ivy are 2 of like 6...
And last but not least...the back door and window and my handsome kitty...

That's all for now....we're finally getting the inside set up and it's feeling like home.  So, more to come...

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Movin' on UP!


This is me and my sister Lauren.  We did the robot in green light dots.  She's in Brazil right now for our Brazilian brother's wedding.  My sister Kyle and I don't have passports or money so we couldn't go.  But congrats to Eduardo and Sarah!!  

I have some big news myself!  No, I'm not pregnant.  That's what everyone guesses everytime I say I have "big news", and that's never it.  When I called to tell people I was engaged, 3 of my closest friends/family guessed baby before engagement.  This time, the news and Cory are buying a house!!!  HOORAY!!  No more stupid apartment!!  I can't wait to move in!  We should be closing early next week.  I was hoping to close tomorrow, but, c'est la vie.  

So with moving comes lots of packing.  I don't like packing.  I don't like moving.  But I LOVE being moved- like, when the move is done, I love being in a new place.  And some parts of packing are fun, like finding old things from when you were a kid.  I found tons of really funny notes and drawings from my sisters (including diary entries written in my diary by my older sister Ashley, including the genius entry "I hate Ashley, she is always writing in my diary").  Here are two of my other favorites:

This one is a drawing my sister Kyle did which says, "To Erin P___, from Kyle P____.  I know you love garfield so I made you this."  Is that not the cutest?!  I feel like I should have posted a picture of young Kyle to go with this so it's double-cute....

Ah, that's better.

This one was a triple effort.  As a back-story to this one:  Kyle's real name is Kyleen.  She is the youngest.  When we were little, me and Lauren used to tell her that she was supposed to be a boy and that my dad (who's name is Scott) wanted to name her Scottleen.  The front says "The Lauren & Kyle Case.  Summary:  Kyle fake farted & Lauren fake & real farted.  Kyle threw 4 shoes at Lauren when Lauren called her names."  The first page is Lauren's side:  "Kyleen hit Lauren twice with tennis shoes just because I called her Fartleen, because she was farting.  I'm suing her for 5 cents because of hurt feelings.  Signed, Lauren.  Another thing I'm suing her for is spitting in my hair."  Second page, Kyle's side:  "She farted then was calling me Fartleen.  I asked her nicely a few times to stop but she wouldn't so I yelled and she just started calling me Scottleen.  So I got real mad and threw a shoe.  So I am suing for 5 cents for calling me Fartleen and Scottleen.  Signed, Kyleen."  There is another page that is hard to decipher, but I think it says that we determined that Lauren wins the case because words don't physically hurt and shoes do.
 I heart my sisters.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Monday, August 1, 2011

Quiche Cat

View from my bed...
The delicious new lunch I discovered at the bakery across the street from my work- veggie quiche with delicious fresh fruit!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


 Me and my sister were in a parade!

 We've also been having lots of pool parties....

And a few months ago, Cory and I went to Baltimore & DC...we ate street food...

In the next few weeks, I will be going to Cedar Point, Pennsylvania, Baltimore, and then Texas!  I will be very busy.  And I need money!  Time to post things on Ebay....  :)